Tangerine dreams: How to use 2020’s hottest hue in your next project
Of all the 2020 colour trends, orange is perhaps the most intimidating. Particularly when it
comes to refurbishing your home, where often we are balancing homely comfort with chic
However, orange doesn’t need to be daunting. Although it can be used to make a statement, it can just as easily be weaved into a more subtle palette. Starting from a pared back standpoint first, here’s our advice on using this year’s hottest hue in your next interior project.
Use as a highlight
For those looking to embrace the trend, pairing block colours can help soften the outcome. Our Palette range in Redwood gloss can be set against White for a look that’s bang-on-trend but still stand out wow.
Similarly, Prismatics in Pumpkin, available in 200 x 100mm with a gloss finish, can be used
alongside less vibrant tones to help set the desired aesthetic. This range also comes in
Goldcrest and Ginger which provide a slightly more yellow and golden tint, reminiscent of
winter sunsets.

Prismatics in Pumpkin can combine well with a mixed colour palette
Combine with grey tones
If you’re ready to dive headfirst into full-blown orange fever but are looking for something
special, Palette Mosaics will guarantee showstopping results.
Available in a striking deep orange gloss, the Palette Mosaic tiles can be used to create an
eye-catching statement in any setting. Perhaps not for the faint hearted, this is a look that favours the brave.
For those looking to toe dip into the trend, mixing bold colours with more muted tones allows for a result that’s not overpowering. Our Mosaic mixed set which features multiple colours can be paired with a simple white tile to add texture and focus to any kitchen or bathroom design

Palette Mosaics Mixed
To see all of our trend-led collections, head to https://outlet.johnson-tiles.com/.